Today, in more ways than one, we are conscious that as humans we are part of something greater – both cosmic & divine in nature. This awareness at the level of the heart is essentially ‘spiritual ‘. Spirituality is therefore how we see, experience and respond to God’s presence in the everyday experiences of life.

Every religious congregation has its unique charism. This charism reflects the spirituality of its founder. Venerable Mary Ward desired to found an apostolic congregation modelled on that of the Jesuits. Loreto has adopted the Ignatian Constitutions and the Ignatian Spirituality (adapted for women) as our way of life. Ignatian Spirituality is contained mainly inthe Constitutions and in The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and updated regularly through the Jesuit GC Directives.

Ignatian Spirituality is spiral in nature. Repetition of a positive experience of God in prayer is encouraged for greater spiritual benefit. Central to Ignatian Spirituality would be to sense God’s Presence in everyone and everything that comes our way. God speaks through the people, events and circumstances of our life, and we must be attuned to it. For this the Daily Examen is essential for Discernment and for attaining the Loreto charism of Freedom of spirit. This freedom is important for practicing that ‘Detachment’ or non-resistance to whatever comes our way “riches or poverty, heat or cold...” The goal would be the Greater Glory of God, for which we need to keep our eye on the Magis, or what can make usmore effective persons for the Service of God and Others – always ready to be sent out on universal mission.